Ilana Arougheti
A fines de 2023 o principios de 2024, llegarán nuevos vagones de trenes regionales a Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin y Missouri.
A second daily round trip between Chicago and St. Paul could serve riders as early as 2024, with new train cars on the way.
IDOT insta a las personas a usar el transporte público si es posible o, si se dirige al centro de la ciudad por la mañana, despertarse más temprano porque su viaje tomará mucho más tiempo.
Stretches of the inbound Kennedy will be blocked between the Edens Expressway and Ohio Street as part of a three-year construction project that’s sure to cause misery.
The Archdiocese of Chicago won’t grant special permission to eat meat on St. Patrick’s Day, which falls on a Friday during Lent this year. The Joliet diocese takes a different approach.
Jiang, 13, outlasted 47 competitors to correctly spell “saturnine” and win this year’s contest. He advanced to the Scripps National Spelling Bee in May.
St. Nicholas Cathedral School has welcomed dozens of Ukranian refugees to its student body this year.
As of the last U.S. Census count, more people are moving out of Illinois than are coming in. The Chicago Sun-Times spoke with residents and demographers to find out why.
Citing upcoming shortfalls in RTA’s operating budget, Kirk Dillard proposes improvements to CTA, Pace and Metra if public funding can be secured in upcoming years.